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500 China Rose Radish Vegetable Seeds

500 China Rose Radish Vegetable Seeds

Regular price $15.99 USD
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• You will get 500 Seeds of China Rose Radish Vegetable Seeds.
• China Rose is a Chinese winter radish that can be harvested from 25 to 55 days after sowing. Full sized roots are 2 inches in diameter and up to 8 inches long with a smooth rose-colored skin. Flesh is firm, mild, and sweet, while the tops are strong and tall. This variety is also used for sprouting.
• Though China Rose is often used specifically for its delicate sprouts, in its mature form it is a type of Japanese winter radish also known as a "daikon," which simply means "large root" in Japanese. Daikon radishes account for the largest percentage of any cultivated vegetable in Japan, and can be found in some form in nearly every meal of that country.
• Seasons/ availability China Rose Radish is available year-round with fall and winter crops offering the best flavor.
• How to Sow As with other radishes, these are best grown via direct seeding. The date when you should plant seeds depends on your growing zone. China Rose Radish can be grown in Aim to sow seeds around two months before your predicted first frost date. This will ensure plants mature in time for harvest. No matter where you are located, sow one seed every inch in rows 12-18 inches apart. Seeds should be planted at a depth of 1/4 to 1/2 inch.
• How to Grow China Rose Radish grows best in soil with a PH of 5.8-6.8. Although their roots can loosen compacted soil, they grow best where soil is already loose. If your soil is compacted, consider loosening it with a broad fork before planting. Since you will be harvesting the roots, avoid applying excessive amounts of nitrogen to the soil. Too much nitrogen will grow large greens, but small roots. Choose a full sun to partial shade location for best results. Once you plant your seeds, make sure you keep the soil moist, and they will germinate within a few days. Within a week of germination, thin seedlings to 4-6 inches apart. Plants will mature in 40-70 days, depending on the variety. Don’t fret if part of the root is visible above ground; this is normal.

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