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5 Purple Plumeria Plants Flower Flowers Perennial Seeds

5 Purple Plumeria Plants Flower Flowers Perennial Seeds

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• Sensitive to Cold Temperatures.
• Grows in 60-65 Degrees.
• Seeds Germinate 7-30 Days.
• Fast Growing.
• Full Sun.
• Moisten the Frangipani Seeds.
• To hasten the germination process, the seeds need to be plumped up with moisture.
• The easiest way is to place the seeds between moistened tissue papers. Leave them for 24 hours in a warm environment. You will notice that the thicker part of the seeds will swell. The seeds will now be ready for sowing.
• Prepare Potting Mix.
• Meanwhile, you can either prepare your own potting mix or buy it ready-made from a nursery. For this project, I used Baba brand 'Seedling Package'. It came with 0.88 lb. (400 gram) peat moss and ten numbers of cultivation pots that are 2 inches (5 cm) deep.
• If you don't use this cultivation pot often, you can save money by reusing or recycling 0.12 gallon (500 ml) empty mineral bottles. Cut off two thirds of the bottle and use the bottom one third. Make holes at the base and, after cleaning, your cultivation pot is ready for use.
• Transplant the Swollen Seeds.
• Moisten the peat moss (or potting mix) and make a small hole in the mix.
• Gently push the plumeria seed about 0.2 inches (5mm) into the mix. Make sure the swollen end is at the bottom and the seed wing is at the top. Allow part of this wing to stick out of the soil.
• Tenderly press the soil against the side of the plumeria seed.
• Create a Mini Greenhouse Effect.
• Place these pots in an empty plastic container and cover it to create a mini greenhouse effect. Place it in a warm, lighted area, but not under full sunlight.
• Check daily to make sure the soil is not dry. If the top soil looks dry, mist it with water.
• Wait for the Seeds to Germinate.
• Depending on the freshness of the seeds, it will take from seven days to over a month for them to germinate.
• Most of the time, the leaf will emerge with the remains of the husk still attached. It will drop off as the leaves grow bigger.
• If any of the seedlings show signs of mold during the germination process, treat it immediately with a mild fungicide.
• Remove the Husk If It Sticks to the Cotyledons.
• The husk will usually fall off by itself, but occasionally this may not happen soon enough. If these husks are not removed from the cotyledons (i.e. the embryonic first leaves of the seedling), the seedlings might rot and die.
• You may have to assist by spraying it with a fine mist and gently removing these husks.
• Transplant the Seedlings.
• Once you see a new set of leaves and the seedling is more than three inches tall, you can start to transplant it to a bigger pot.
• Gently remove the seedling from the cultivation pot and, together with the peat moss (or your potting soil), transplant it to the new and bigger pot.
• In my case, the plumeria plant will finally be planted in the ground. So, I reused an empty 2.5 gallon (9.5 liter) empty mineral bottle as the pot for transplanting. It is also lighter and easier to move around.
• Potting Soil
• I prepare my own potting soil using one part peat moss, two parts finely crushed clay bricks, and three parts garden topsoil. You can do similar 'recipe' or buy ready-made potting soil.
• Once you have it transplanted, water it every alternate day, but make sure the soil is not waterlogged.
• You can now introduce fertilizer that is high in phosphorus content to help your young plumeria grow strong and healthy. I use the organic fertilizer that is a mixture of cedars, cypress, pines, and plantains. I use it once a week.
• Move the Plants to Full Direct Sunlight.
• Plumeria or Frangipani loves direct sunlight, but this must be done gradually. A week is about just right for this 'moving transition period' from shaded to direct and stronger sunlight.
• You start by putting them in a shady and protected area. Leave them for a few hours. Increase the time for the next few days until it is a full day exposure but still under the shade. During this period, keep nudging the plants to be closer to the full sunlight. After a week of doing this, the plants will be ready to be exposed to full sunlight on a daily basis.
• That's it, folks. Just sit back and enjoy your hard work. And make sure you water and fertilize as directed.

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